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Officers & Trustees:

Professor Alex Woolf, University of St Andrews
Dr Kate Ash-Irisarri, University of Edinburgh
Dr Neil McGuigan, University of St Andrews
Research interests: 8th to 13th centuries, political, ecclesiastical & economic history, historical writing, political mythology, regional history, inequality, the subaltern, disiecta membra. Also, the ‘earldom of Bamburgh’ and Northumbrian matters. 
Dr Morvern French, Historic Environment ScotlandResearch interests: late medieval and 16th century Scotland, built heritage, especially castles, material culture, and women’s history.
Dr Mark A Hall, Perth Museum & Art GalleryCollections Officer, Perth Museum (Culture Perth & Kinross). Mark’s research interests span the whole medieval period and its material culture, early and late, with particular interests in early medieval/Pictish sculpture, the cult of saints and supernatural engagements and the archaeology of board games. Orcid iD
Dr Matthew Hammond, King’s College London


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There are some 215 Members of the Scottish Medievalists. Please note this is not a complete list of members, but provided as a directory of expertise on an opt-in basis. Please use the contact form on this website to make contact.

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Hugh Andrew, Managing Director Birlinn Ltd. Main interest: Early medieval Scottish and European history.
Ashley Brown, University of GlasgowResearch interests: post-Reformation masculinities (roughly 1560-1610), academic manhood, Scottish religious history, masculinities and femininities in the central middle ages, manuscript editing.
Shanna Bryman, University of the Highlands and IslandsMy research interests are women and leadership in the Viking Age, Pictish and Norse contact in the northern and western isles of Scotland, and I also have a keen interest in Mary, Queen of Scots and the Jacobite rebellions.
Dr Alison Cathcart, University of StirlingSixteenth and seventeenth century Scotland and Ireland, especially the west Highlands and Isles; ‘peripheral’ and insular communities of the wider archipelago with a focus on resource management; I quite like cattle, fish, and boats.
Professor Margaret Connolly, University of St AndrewsResearch Interests: Later medieval literature of Scotland and England; manuscript production in late medieval Scotland; early modern Scottish notaries; Sccottish book collectors; manuscript fragments; scholarly editing, palaeography, codicology.
Dr Bryony Coombs, University of EdinburghResearch Interests: Visual culture in late-medieval and early-modern Scotland. Cultural interchange between Scotland and Europe, with a particular focus on the Auld Alliance. Illuminated manuscripts and Scottish patrons. Currently writing Visual Arts and the Auld Alliance: Scotland, France and National Identity c.1420-1550 for EUP.
Dr Lucinda H.S. Dean (Lucy), University of the Highlands and IslandsResearch interests cover a range of themes and methodological approaches to late medieval and early modern Scottish history including ritual, liturgy, ceremony, kingship and monarchy, material culture, gender (particularly masculinity), the life cycle (with a keen interest in youth and old age), death and funerary practices, Perth Charterhouse before and after the Reformation, lay piety and patronage (especially impact of the loss of religious foundations after the Reformation), theories around memory and community in association with space and place, and public history (with keen interest in exploring the value and potential of collaboration and co-design of research).
Dr Piers Dixon, University of StirlingResearch interests: I am interested in all aspects of the archaeology of medieval rural settlement in Scotland and northern England, ranging from castles to shielings and from hunting sites to urban settlements.
Dr Simon Egan, Queen’s University BelfastResearch Interests: Irish-Scottish relations c.1072-c.1603; lordship and society in Ireland and Scotland; bardic poetry. I am especially interested in exploring how events within the western section of the archipelago shaped the affairs and ambitions of the English and Scottish governments across this period. 
Joseph James Ellis, University of YorkMy doctoral research focuses on the royal progresses of James VI & I in England and Scotland. Outside of this, my research activity ranges widely across the early modern period, but particularly the Elizabethan, Jacobean and Georgian courts. I am especially fascinated by political culture/cultural politics, gender and sexuality.
Dr Iain FlettResearch interests: Continuing interest in Dundee during the Reformation; presently editing the First Court Book of Kirkcaldy 1567 (Notarial book of Alexander Cok) for Fife Archives. Friends of Dundee City Archives & Tay Valley Family History Society.
Heather Ford, University of GlasgowResearch Interests: The materiality, biography, and landscape of Early Medieval epigraphy across Scotland – particularly the re-use of prehistoric standing stones in epigraphy and the temporal and spatial relationships articulated through monumentalisation. 
Dr Simon Gilmour, Society of Antiquaries of ScotlandResearch interests: Later prehistoric and Early Medieval Scotland and Europe, particularly the Atlantic façade. Antiquarian collecting.
Emily Hay, University of GlasgowResearch interests: medieval and early modern women, Mary Queen of Scots, Reformation literary culture, Scottish and European literary continuities. My current doctoral research explores the presentation and self-presentation of Mary Queen of Scots in poetry and correspondence (1567-1587). 
Rosalie D. Hopko, University of AberdeenMy research interests include: Interpersonal violence and death in late medieval Scotland, skeletal trauma, osteoarchaeology, and interdisciplinary research. I enjoy a broad spectrum of fields relating to history, archaeology, and anthropology. I also enjoy working with museum, heritage, and nonprofit organizations.
Dr Miles Kerr-PetersonResearch interests: noble power and culture in James VI’s Scotland.
Chair, Friends of the Wembdon Road Cemetery. Co-Editor, Bridgwater Heritage Group.
Dr Kelly Kilpatrick, University of Glasgow & CambridgeResearch interests: Iron Age and Early Medieval Scotland, with a particular focus on Pictish and early Gaelic sacred landscapes and visual culture; early Scottish and northern English epigraphy; medieval Insular place-names and ecclesiastical history; ancient and medieval Celtic religion and mythology; aerial and satellite archaeology.
Hannah Mac Auliffe, Trinity College, DublinMy research interests include early Irish and Scottish kingship and succession practices, particularly the phenomenon of alternate succession; the kingdom of the Dál Riata and their relationship with Iona; power dynamics amongst and between early Irish and Scottish dynastic groups.
Dr Alan MacDonald, University of DundeeResearch interests: 16th and 17th centuries; agriculture and the environment; parliament and government; the church.
Kate McGregor, University of St AndrewsResearch interests: medieval and early modern Scotland and Europe, diplomatic exchanges, Scottish Renaissance culture and notaries in late medieval St Andrews. My current doctoral research examines foreign policy and diplomacy during the adult rule of James V, King of Scots (1528-1542).
Dr Iain A. MacInnes, University of the Highlands and IslandsResearch interests: the Scottish Wars of Independence, particularly the Second Scottish War of Independence, medieval military history, war and chivalry, medieval treason, battlefield injury, impact of war, medievalism and the modern depiction of the medieval, particularly in comics.
Cameron Maclean, University of GlasgowResearch Interests: Scottish, English and British coinage. My ongoing PhD focuses on the early decades of the Anglo-Scottish monetary union (1604-1707).
Dr Catherine McMillanResearch interests: lived religion in Reformation-era Scotland, particularly the North East; Scottish and English charitable giving in support of European causes of religion, 1560–1712; and African presence in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Scotland.
Donald Neil Macpherson, University of AberdeenI am researching the nature and practices of Scottish diplomacy in the Fifteenth Century, with a particular emphasis on who the diplomats were, how they were selected, trained, funded and travelled. An additional dimension is to examine whether there were changes in the backgrounds of fifteenth-century Scottish diplomats throughout the century and if any such changes altered the practices of the kingdom’s diplomats.
Professor Hector MacQueen, Edinburgh Law SchoolMy research interest list is history of medieval Scots law in its British, Irish and Continental European contexts; legal consciousness in medieval society; and more modern law and its history, especially contract and intellectual property law.
Joshua MacRae, University of OxfordResearch interests: political communication and culture in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Scotland; legitimation of authority through rhetoric and seals; expressions and motivations of personal and public piety; political, religious and intellectual networks reaching Scotland during a Global Middle Ages.
Dr John Marshall, Trinity College Dublin/ Lancaster UniversityResearch Interests: Transregional lordship; politics and society in Ireland, Scotland and Wales; diplomacy; manuscript analysis.
Pat Mason, University of GlasgowResearch interests: seeing literature in context of time and place and continuities between time periods. Neglected early modern literatures, especially seventeenth-century writers. My doctoral research, ‘In their ain wirds: Giving voice to the writers of seventeenth-century Aberdeenshire and Banffshire.’ intends to improve our understanding of contemporary attitudes to the upheavals of the seventeenth century and demonstrate regionality and nuance in the wider Scottish picture.   
Professor Cynthia J Neville, Dalhousie UniversityResearch interests: legal, political and social history of Scotland, 11th-15th centuries; medieval charters and seals and their owners; royal pardon; the laws of the Anglo-Scottish marches in the later medieval period and the legal treatises relating to then.  
Professor Rhiannon Purdie, University of St AndrewsResearch interests: Later medieval literature of Scotland and England, particularly chronicle and romance; scholarly editing. Editorial Secretary of the Scottish Text Society.
Peter Randall, University of the Highlands and IslandsResearch Interests: Assembly sites in Scandinavia and the British Isles during the Early and Central Middle Ages, Old Norse kings’ sagas, Norse-Gaelic cultural contact in the Kingdom of Mann and the Isles, and state formation in medieval Sweden.
Dr Jamie Reid-BaxterResearch interests: music, poetry, sermons and ecclesiastical affairs in their socio-historical context. Key-names in my research include Rober Carver, John Angus, Elizabeth Melville, Mr Robert Bruce, Robert Rollock, Mr James MelvilleEsther Inglis. Active not only in research into but also live public performance of Older Scottish culture.
Dr Gordon M ReynoldsResearch interests: 11th-14th century crusading culture in Scotland and the British isles more broadly, with a particular focus on the evidence of charters and cartularies.
Elizabeth Ann Roads, Snawdoun HeraldMy interests and research areas are in all aspects of the development of heraldry, particularly Scottish heraldry, and the rise and changing role of the Scottish herald from the 14th century.
Dr Nicola Royan, University of NottinghamResearch interests: Older Scots and Scottish Latin literature from late 14th to early 17th C, with particular foci on humanism, historiography and national identity. President of the Scottish Text Society.
Norman F. Shead, University of GlasgowResearch interests: charters and chronicles; Scottish Episcopal Acta; currently working on the medieval diocese of Glasgow.
Charlie Spragg, University of EdinburghMy principal research interest is the life of King James VI & I, particularly his relationship with visual and material culture.
Dr Katherine H. Terrell, Hamilton CollegeResearch interests: late medieval Scottish and English historiography and literature, including court poetry, romance, women’s writing, the medieval nation, and discourses of alterity.
Dr Andrea ThomasResearch Interests: The late-medieval and early-modern Scottish royal court and Scottish cultural developments. Trustee of the Cranston Library, Reigate, Surrey.
Emma Trivett, University of the Highlands and IslandsI’m interested in kingship and queenship in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Scotland, with a particular focus on gender and royal (in)fertility.
Dr Joanna Tucker, University of GlasgowResearch interests: 12th- and 13th-century Scotland; charters and cartularies; codicology and palaeography; digital humanities; textual editing.
Dr Emily Joan Ward, University of EdinburghResearch interests: Scotland and Europe, 11th to 13th centuries; childhood, adolescence and the life cycle; child kings, queenship and guardianship; comparative political, social and cultural history; charters and documentary culture; historical writing.
Dr Callum WatsonResearch interests: war, politics, and society in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Scotland, chivalry and knighthood, heritage and public engagement. 
Dr Alasdair C. Whyte, University of GlasgowResearch interests: primarily place-names as an historical resource for settlement and society across the medieval period.
Dr Emily Wingfield, University of BirminghamResearch Interests: Older Scots literary culture, esp. of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, book history, romance, Scotland’s royal women, the writings of Mary Queen of Scots.