Atlas of Scottish History to 1707

The Atlas of Scottish History was a long-term project of the Scottish Medievalists. A first edition appeared in 1975 (An Historical Atlas of Scotland c.400- c.1600), with a completely revised and much expanded version, about four to five times larger, being produced in 1996. The full version can now be found online via Scotland’s Places.

Atlas of Scottish History
Atlas of Scottish History

The 1996 edition was edited by Peter G.B. McNeil and Hector L. MacQueen, and published by the Scottish Medievalists and the Department of Geography at the University of Edinburgh. The cartographer was Anona Lyons. Introduction to the maps was by Ian A. Morrison; the section ‘events to about 850’ was edited by Lisbeth M. Thoms; 850 to 1460 by Norman F. Shead; 1460 to 1707 by Norman T. Macdougall. The section on ‘administration’ was edited by Hector L. MacQueen; ‘economic development’ by Michael Lynch and David Ditchburn; ‘the church’ by D.E.R. Watt; ‘social and cultural’ by Geoffrey Stell, and ‘regional and local’ by G.W.S. Barrow. In total there were around 86 contributors.

Reproducing Maps

All material in Atlas of Scottish History to 1707  (1996) is copyright of the Trustees of the Conference of Scottish Medievalists,. Applications for licence to use any part of this copyright material may be made to the Trustees using the form provided on this website. The normal expectation is that no charge will be made for reproduction in academic publications provided that due acknowledgement is made of the Trustees’ copyright in the eventual publication (see further Notes below). Inquiries can be made via our contact form


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